Hintze Law Receives DEI Roundtable Law Firm Diversity Award

Here at Hintze Law, we are thrilled and honored to announce that through a nomination by LinkedIn, we have been awarded the DEI Roundtable Law Firm Diversity Award for our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The DEI Roundtable consists of legal counsel from tech leaders AirBnB, ByteDance/TikTok, Google, LinkedIn, Meta, Microsoft, Snap, & ZenDesk and provides a platform for fruitful discussions about how we can collectively support and improve diversity in our community.

Founded in early 2014, Hintze Law is not just another law firm; it is the culmination of a vision to create an organization that embodies the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion at its core. We are a woman-owned, certified LGBTBE-owned, and minority-owned business enterprise, as recognized by the NMSDC National Minority Supplier Development Council. From the beginning, our goal has been to cultivate a culture and environment where all individuals, regardless of their background, feel welcome, supported, and empowered to thrive.

As a Chambers-ranked and Legal 500 recognized U.S. firm specializing exclusively in privacy and data security law, we take great pride in our dedication to excellent client service but also in our dedication to diversity and inclusivity. Our firm's leadership, legal professionals, and staff are a testament to this dedication to diversity.

Diversity is not just a checkbox for us; it is a critical element of our ability to provide the best possible privacy advice to our clients. We understand privacy risks and harms can disproportionately impact minorities, and having a diverse team with personal understanding of these impacts allows us to better support our clients. We can anticipate how decisions and practices around personal data can affect certain communities and advise clients on the best ways to mitigate those risks.

At Hintze Law, our commitment to diversity goes beyond mere representation. We have woven an inclusive culture into the fabric of our firm's operations. From the clients we choose to work with to how our employees are compensated, diversity and equity are guiding principles. We actively seek opportunities to support marginalized communities, partnering with organizations like the ACLU of Washington, Lambda Legal, Northeast Black Law Students Association, the Ingersoll Gender Clinic, and Q Law.

Receiving the DEI Roundtable Law Firm Award is a significant milestone for Hintze Law, but our journey does not end here. We will continue to champion diversity, not just within our firm but across the legal industry. We firmly believe that a diverse and inclusive team fosters creativity, empathy, and innovation, leading to better outcomes for our clients and society.

As we celebrate this award, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our clients, peers, and team members who have supported us on this incredible journey. We are especially grateful to LinkedIn, and members of their legal team, Blake Lawit, Laura Berger, Christine Hodge, Clarissa Shah and many more for supporting and spearheading this inaugural DEI Roundtable for Tech In House Counsel. We also applaud fellow Law Firm Diversity Award winners Baker Hostetler & Paul Hastings and their incredible leaders. We are excited about the future and remain dedicated to making a positive impact in the field of privacy and data security while championing diversity and inclusion every step of the way.